How to Responsibly Integrate AI

Graphic by David Glover-Barr ’25/The Choate News

By Sky Hinton ’26

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) within schools has become a popular topic of discussion in recent years. The advanced technology brings about several complexities in the classroom; thus, caution should be taken when integrating AI into Choate’s curriculum. However, if done with adequate care, implementing AI in academic spaces can revolutionize how students learn and engage. These potential benefits are reasons for Choate to swiftly, but responsibly, integrate AI into curriculums.

Although many challenges arise with the use of AI, such as cost, a need for technical expertise, and ethical concerns regarding privacy and security, the potential benefits of AI far outweigh its costs. By empowering students to understand and navigate AI responsibly, we can ensure a more integrity-based and technology-inclusive future. AI transforms the way we work, communicate, and learn. Many benefits of AI, such as the ability to provide students with personalized learning, allow us to develop 21st-century skills and make the most of our academic experience.

One of the major benefits of AI is its ability to tailor teaching strategies to each student’s needs, giving learners feedback and recommendations based on specific areas of improvement. Many AI models can analyze students’ errors to further their learning by making suggestions or answering questions. By offering a new, analytical perspective on a student’s learning challenges, this resource can ease the learning process. Helping students learn at their own pace, seeking clarification, generating ideas, and offering support makes AI helpful as an auxiliary to teachers. 

AI systems such as ChatGPT can also help students brainstorm general ideas that catalyze authentic creative writing. However, they should never be used to plagiarize or diminish the effort put in by the student. 

This means not copying entire phrases or sentences from AI and instead using it as a mere starting point in the writing process. In order to prevent misuse, teachers should lay out clear guidelines about what prompts students are allowed to enter into AI systems. Clearly outlining these boundaries as a part of the School’s Honor Code would allow for responsible integration of AI into the curriculum without the risk of students abusing the tool.

The world is becoming more involved with AI. By becoming well-educated on the topic, students can learn computational thinking, digital literacy, and how to use AI with caution. A responsible way to make sure students are gaining these skills is for teachers to take the time to address AI in classrooms. Teachers should emphasize AI’s potential to be a tool to enhance learning, not something that replaces human interaction and guidance from adults.

AI is a useful tool that, when used correctly, can be very beneficial to a student’s learning experience. When permitted by teachers, AI has been a great resource for me, helping me generate ideas, expand on existing ideas, and providing me with feedback. AI should not be abused but cautiously implemented as a problem-solving tool in the classroom.  

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