Thailand’s Wake Up Call on Gun Control

Graphic by Kate Park ’27/The Choate News

By Ada Tieanworn ’26

A shooting at Bangkok’s Siam Paragon Mall on October 3, 2023, led to two fatalities and five injuries, composed of victims from Laos, China, Myanmar, and Thailand. This terrifying event underscores the nation’s persisting, yet futile dispute over gun control. When acknowledging the growing frequency of similar incidents nationwide, Thailand must employ stricter gun control regulations.

Siam Paragon Mall stands as one of Thailand’s busiest, most prosperous shopping destinations. Witnesses videotaped the incident from perspectives both inside and outside the mall, with some footage even capturing the chilling sounds of gunshots. The shooting sent shockwaves throughout the nation as civilians honored the lives that were lost while fearing the safety of their loved ones. 

However, the most disconcerting aspect of this tragedy lies in the identity of the alleged shooter: a 14-year-old boy who had modified a firearm with materials purchased online. Further investigations revealed a history of mental health issues, which had gone untreated due to a termination of medication. 

Deficiencies in Thailand’s gun control regulations allow for the accesible purchase of “non-lethal” firearms. As such, it’s no surprise that Thailand, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, ranks second highest for gun homicides in the Southeast Asia region. How is it possible for firearms to be legally procured without stringent checks? Who will take responsibility for the lives lost in this incident, and why is it feasible for minors, including the perpetrator of the mall shooting, to purchase lethal weapons without suspicion? 

It is crucial for countries with flexible gun laws to recognize that criminals and individuals with harmful intentions can exploit shortcomings within their nation’s legal system, putting countless civilians at risk. On that note, the Supreme Court recently allowed the Biden administration to regulated ghost guns — untraceable homemade weapons — to require compliance with federal laws that impose conditions on the commercial sale of firearms.

Permitting firearm purchases for citzens with the intention of self-protection may contribute to larger gun violence; instead, Thailand must harshen their punishment of shooters and regulate the sale of non-lethal weaponry to ensure a safer environment without requiring excessive firearm circulation. 

The time has come to prioritize the safety and security of our society, — including my parents who were at Siam Paragon Mall during the incident — beginning with implementing stricter gun control regulations. It’s a moral imperative to safeguard the lives of both citizens and visitors, ensuring that Thailand remains a safe and welcoming destination for all.

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