Student Summit Builds Sportsmanship

Photo courtesy of @choateathletics Instagram
Students represent Choate at the Founder’s League Student Summit. 

By Roshan Desai ’26

Nine Wild Boars and Assistant Athletic Director Mr. Nolan Silbernagel represented Choate at the inaugural Founders League Student Summit, hosted by Miss Porter’s School, on Sunday, September 24. 

“The whole idea was to come together and learn about leadership and building a healthy, competitive spirit amongst the schools,” Mr. Silbernagel said.

Students began the day crafting a short pitch explaining how their school’s athletics program was unique and enjoyable. 

Next, Quinnipiac University sports psychologist Dr. Devin Markle lectured on sportsmanship. “The sports psychology aspect was beneficial for the athletes in the room to learn the important factors of how to mentally prepare for games and how to mentally prepare to lead a team,” Mr. Silbernagel said. 

Then, students discussed conflict resolution scenarios with peers from other schools. “My scenario was what you should do if people from your school are chirping at [insulting] the referee,” President of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee Virginia Nelson ’25 said. “We talked about how it shouldn’t affect your game, and that we should be leaders and embody good attitudes,” Finally, participants made posters of 10 new principles the Founder’s League should have. 

Cross Country Captain John Reach ’24 appreciated attending the summit. “It was a great opportunity to share ideas about how we can best help our teams grow. And I’m glad to be able to represent Choate,” he said.  

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