Boys’ Water Polo Welcomes Coach Katie Childs 

Photo by Tiffany Xiao ’23/The Choate News 
Coach Katie advises Tyler Kwee ’24 during a game. 

The Boys’ Varsity Water Polo team has gotten off to a tremendous start, with an impressive record of 6-2. This achievement can be credited to both players and the newest member of the team, Coach Katie Childs ’95 P ’24 ’26. 

Coach Katie began her water polo career at Choate as a freshman on the Girls’ Water Polo team and continued playing at the University of Maryland and internationally as part of the Junior and Senior National Teams. For the past 19 years, Coach Katie has been involved with both the Boys’ and Girls’ Water Polo teams. This year, she joined the team as the head coach of the boys’ team, bringing new perspectives and experiences from her knowledge of the sport and her ability to resonate with the players. 

Coach Katie explained how she has been anticipating a chance to return to Choate. “I have been watching the games for the last couple of years with Chris as a freshman and sophomore [son Chris Childs ’24 and a lead scorer on the team].” Coach Katie continued, stating that she “knew that there was an opening to coach. I had the support of the returning players, having been a bit involved in the year before, so I did, and I’m happy to be coaching.” 

Coach Katie is very excited about coaching the team this year. “My favorite part of coaching is the way that the team makes me feel rewarded for doing it. It’s very visible on faces and mannerisms and discussions that the group of student-athletes is very excited and happy to have me here, and it makes me feel pretty special.” 

The team has welcomed Coach Katie, highlighting her coaching style and knowledge of the sport. Captain Sam Anastasio ’23 said, “She is a valuable asset and necessary because the last couple years coming off the pandemic has been pretty hard. Katie’s been great with being able to develop not just the older more experienced players, and starting 4-0 is pretty amazing.” 

In addition, Captain Finn Lutton ’23 points out how Coach Kattie’s style has shifted their game methodology, “Last year, we were very focused on conditioning. The only way we could potentially beat other teams was just by out-swimming them. This year, Katie’s a lot more focused on our technique and our awareness of the pool.” 

Coach Katie has also brought a strong mindset and a desire to win to the team. “She’s a lot more invested in the team … It really is so evident in games, you know, she gets mad, she gets frustrated, but that just shows the passion,” revealed varsity goalie Garrett Curtis ’24 when reflecting on the recent wins. “She’ll give constructive criticism and really help the team by communicating.” 

A recent win against Hopkins advanced the team, leaving them with a high chance of making New Englands. With numerous close games occurring early in the season, the league is quite competitive. Coach Katie recognizes the challenge but has faith in this year’s team. “I don’t think there’s another team out there that can say the same — that they have this many people contributing on offense and everyone contributing on defense.” She emphasized the high number of players scoring goals every game and the cohesion and ability of the players to find each other in the pool. “Starting off 4-0 gives us a much better statistical chance of making it to New Englands, so we’re on the right track, but we’ve got to keep our head on straight and stay focused on each game ahead.” 

Following such an impressive start, make sure to be on the lookout for more victories from the Boys’ Water Polo team. Come the spring, Coach Katie hopes to be involved in the Girls’ Water Polo team despite being busier during the spring season. With Coach Katie on board, the Choate Water Polo program should anticipate many seasons of success and victories to celebrate. 

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