At Play On Choate’s Fields

Memorial Field 

Located in close proximity to the dorms of Memorial Circle, Mem Field’s convenience makes it a popular choice for spending time outside or engaging in competitions of spikeball with friends. In warm weather, picnic blankets are a common sight and an occasional humanities class. Overall, Mem Field is great for all uses. 

Class of ’76 Field

On Friday nights, the Choate community can be found gathered on the Class of ’76 Turf — the perfect location to hold Under the Light games. The main purpose of the turf field is to foster a multi-use athletic atmosphere.

Maguire Fields

The Maguire fields are Choate’s second set of turf fields. Dedicated to Robert Maguire ’41, the field was ultimately a space to celebrate spending time outdoors, enjoying the sunshine. In order to create a space for broadened athletic use, the field was replaced by turf in 2019. Regardless of the short hike to get there, many students still spend time watching both Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity Soccer games at the Maguire Fields.

Gunpowder Creek Field

Situated at the bottom of the hill to the left of the X, the Gunpowder Creek Field is one of the most centrally located athletic venues on campus. In 1967, what once was the location of the Choate Hockey Rinks was converted into a playing field. Now, the field houses J.V. Soccer games and is centrally located for everyone to watch.

Maher Field

Named in honor of John J. Maher ’22, former English and history teacher and football coach, Maher Field hosts Varsity and J.V. football games. Football is a lively sport that often draws many spectators, so the field is home to a large set of bleachers allowing the space for large crowds. It is also a shorter walk from the center of campus than some other athletic fields, which is a relief for those unfond of long treks. 

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