Students Network with Alumni

On February 16, the Choate Nexus Networking Series held its third event via Zoom, which centered on the field of health and wellness. Organized by Alumni Relations, the series aims to connect fifth- and sixth-form students to alumni involved in diverse career fields. The recent event, arranged by Assistant Directors of Alumni Relations Ms. Ruthanne Snelson and Ms. Allison Koehler, highlighted alumni working in yoga, meditation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, and mental health.  

The event, hosted by Alumni Association Executive Committee member Ms. Lena Jessen ’92, brought together a wide range of alumni, including Mr. Craig Kramer ’79, a Johnson and Johnson employee who is involved in mental-health outreach and awareness. Mr. Kramer shared how his family’s history of mental illness inspired him to join the field. 

Students also heard from Ms. Ali Huckins ’97, who works to support the mental health of individuals caring for a child recently released from a hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.

Mieke Buterbaugh ’23, who attended the event and envisions a career in health and wellness, said, “Mental health is everywhere, and you can see that within his story …to work with people who actually are hands-on in the field and making changes was really inspiring.” 

Anya Mobarak ’23, who has applied to complete a Capstone project on the Covid-19 pandemic’s impacts on the mental health of young children, appreciated the tips the alumni gave her on both researching her project and her potential future career in psychology. “We were able to see people actively working in the field and who have experience with real patients,” Mobarak said. “If I was thinking of majoring in psychology in college, it’s great to have these connections.” 

Alumni Relations first envisioned the networking series last summer. The office’s first event, held earlier this academic year, focused on the field of finance. A second event centered on the medical profession. This spring, the office will host sessions on the arts, technology, and the legal profession.

“I think everyone should attend these series,” said Buterbaugh. “The connections you make at Choate are one of the most beneficial things from this experience. The connections you make with alumni are very important, meaningful, and inspiring.”

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