Choate Launches Global Engagement Program

A student participates in the 2014 Spain Summer Abroad experience.
Photo courtesy of Laura Scaviola

Choate held the annual Course and Signature Program Fair on Zoom on Friday, January 21 and unveiled a new Signature Program, the Global Engagement Program (GEP). The event was hosted by Department Heads and Signature Program Coordinators who shared information about their specific course or program. 

According to the web page for the newly added GEP section of the Signature Programs, the goal of the program is to “help students achieve a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of our world, and learn and think critically about 21st-century issues.” Some of the topics that will be explored within the program include access to education, healthcare, climate change, migration, and food security. GEP differs from Study Abroad as it combines global studies electives at Choate with a four-week study abroad experience. 

Students participating in GEP will pick six globally-focused classes, touching on current events that are very prevalent today. Alongside the coursework, the required study abroad experience will take place either on an approved academic year study abroad or during the summer. Another unique aspect of the program is its emphasis on not having to travel far from home to experience and learn about new global environments and the various issues communities face. 

In addition to the travel abroad requirement, students who take part in GEP will complete 30 hours of cultural events or volunteering in their own community. 

GEP aims to inspire students to seek cultural exploration both in the classroom and beyond. Director of Global Programs Ms. Ashley Sinclair hopes that the program will help “students realize that they can be agents of change by learning more about different stakeholders around different cultures and regions and languages.” 

Open to rising fourth and fifth formers, applications will open this February along with the other signature programs. The plan is to create a small cohort of 12-15 students to launch the program in the 2022-2023 school year. When applying for GEP, rising fifth form students will have priority so that they have enough time to complete the various course requirements. 

When asked how students will be selected for the program Ms. Sinclair said, “We are looking for a diversity of students’ past experiences, diversity among what kinds of themes that they are looking to do […] and trying to make sure that we have covered a wide variety of perspectives.”

Reflecting on the event and the new program, Bella Hasset ’24, who is looking to apply to the program noted, “The GEP makes me feel super excited about exploring new cultures while expanding my knowledge on current events.”

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