Mr. Kafoglis and Ms. Howland Named Class of 2024 Deans

Photo Courtesy of Sedi Agyeman

As the end of the academic year approaches, the Deans’ Office announced that for the next three years, math teacher Mr. Zachary Kafoglis and HPRSS teacher Ms. Amy Howland will serve as the Form Deans for the Class of 2024. 

Dean of Students Mr. Mike Velez ’00 said, “Ms. Howland and Mr. Kafoglis have demonstrated cultural competency and will bring a commitment to inclusive practices and student advocacy to the Deans’ Office.” 

Mr. Kafoglis, who has worked at Choate for six years, lives in Hall, a fourth- and fifth-form girls dorm. In addition to teaching math, he works closely with the Peer Educators, is a member of the Current Events Resource Group, and coaches Boys’ Soccer and Baseball. “One of the parts that I appreciate the most from Mr. Kafoglis’s class is how he cares about us so genuinely,” said Faer Son ’24. “He is understanding and flexible with our class schedule and always willing to provide extra help.” 

Ms. Howland has been teaching at Choate for four years. She co-leads the Self-Defense for Women intramural activity and coaches track and field in the spring. Ms. Howland lives in McCook, a fourth- and fifth-form girls dorm, with her two kids and dog. “I always appreciate that she remembers the little things — birthdays, weekend plans, academic endeavors,” said Bianca Rosen ’21, who is a three-year advisee of Ms. Howland.

To become a dean, applicants wrote letters of interest to Mr. Velez and were interviewed by current members of the Deans’ Office. 

The main responsibilities of a form dean include helping students with schedule changes, keeping track of absences, maintaining communication with teachers, and keeping families in the loop on their students’ experience. Ms. Emily Osterhout, one of the two current Third-form Deans said, “The Fourth-form Deans will be responsible for shepherding their class through the next three years of their Choate career, guiding them on their path to graduation.” 

Both deans are looking forward to working with the same group of students from their fourth to sixth-form years. “On the rare occasion when I get to teach a student two or three times in Contemporary Issues, U.S. History, and Women’s Studies, it’s always so cool to see their progression and growth,” said Ms. Howland. 

“The job will look a bit different next year than in the past, simply because our rising fourth-formers haven’t had a typical first year,” said Ms. Osterhout. Third-formers still have not had the chance to learn how certain off-campus privileges, like signing out for the weekend, work. “I think that it will be a continued learning process for all of us,” said Mr. Kafoglis.

Ms. Howland hopes to be an advocate for her students so that they feel as though their voice is heard by the School. “I try really hard to listen to what the students are talking about and what they’re concerned about,” she said. “I want my door to be really open, and I want students to feel really comfortable coming to chat with me.”

Mr. Kafoglis hopes to create an atmosphere where the Class of 2024 feels as though they can be themselves. “I’m excited to see all of the wonderful things that they’re going to do for Choate, for themselves, and for each other,” he said. 

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