Hidden Away

Graphics by Yujin Kim/The Choate News

From the ground, sprout the newly born,

With hands so small, carrying the shining morning dew.

Ducks quacking and goldfinches chirping,

Jumping in creeks and flying up high.

“Come join!” They sing, “Come join us.”

As she dives in deep,

Her throat is stuffed.

Suffocating, crying, shouting,


Darkness sweeps across, 

As she slowly drowns.

In the sky, she tumbles

A place where was heaven, now becomes hell,

Suffocating, crying, shouting,


Darkness sweeps across, 

As she loses directions.

In the warm rays of sunshine,

The little girl wearing the fluffy yellow dress dances,

The little boy peeling open a banana runs.

In the bushes of forsythias,

The little girl and little boy hides,

Unaware of the suffocations hidden away.

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