Approved Sixth-Form Console Initiative Still Not Implemented

Exactly when seniors will be granted console privileges remains unclear. Graphic by Sesame Gaetsaloe/The Choate News

At the beginning of the winter term, the student council and Dean of Students Mr. Mike Velez approved an initiative granting sixth formers Wi-Fi access for video game consoles in their rooms. The Information Technology Services department, however, has yet to actually extend those privileges to the entire senior class. Currently, Mr. Velez is working to establish a timeline with Mr. Speyer.

Sixth former Gavin Galiardo ’20 voiced his frustrations: “I thought I would be able to have the privilege to use my console in winter term, as the student body president informed us that the decision was passed. I have been waiting since the start of the term but am continually denied access to connect to Wi-Fi.” 

“All seniors should get the same privileges. We are trustworthy,” said PJ Sethbhakdi ’20, a prefect at the KEC. Although prefects have already had video game console privileges since the start of the school year, the deans have been discussing when to give the green light to the entire form. Mr. Velez said, “While we want to extend gaming opportunities to the senior class, we are looking at their moral conduct and responsibility with commitments. Collectively as a class, if they are doing those things, it will push the timing in terms of when we will allow gaming consoles to be registered by IT.” 

The deans are also aware of the risk that comes with allowing more technology use in dorms, such as the increased possibility of invasions of privacy. “The policy has evolved, and we are seeing more VR and other forms of gaming. For some of these devices, we need to be mindful of privacy issues. Are we protecting individuals’ privacy when these technological devices are on our network?” Mr. Velez asked. 

This potential risk is partly why initiatives like video gaming console privileges generally take longer to be approved.

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