Abracadabra! It’s Magic Club!

Two fourth formers share the mystery of magic through Magic Club.
Photo by Praj Chirathivat/The Choate News

Jeffrey Zhou ’21 and Julian Schirnding-Yach ’21 are bringing wonder and excitement to the community with the latest addition to Choate’s vast collection of clubs. After beginning the process of approval in the fall term, Magic Club is finally established and ready to make students analyze reality.

Many people have fond memories of going to magic shows as children, remembering how they watched with wide eyes as performers seemed to break the rules of the universe. Whether trying desperately to figure out how the tricks were done, or just basking in the awe of the moment, there is much to gain from these small moments. As kids, Zhou and Schirnding-Yach experienced these moments, and their wonder is what inspired them to learn tricks themselves. Upon his arrival at Choate, Zhou noticed something was missing from club life. “When I first heard that there wasn’t a Magic Club, I was actually kind of surprised. I was like, ‘Oh, we gotta just do it now.’” Since then, the two have spent a lot of time developing their magic skills and becoming brilliant magicians. Zhou and Schirnding-Yach noticed that a lot of people were interested in their card tricks, and they felt responsible to teach others. After one meeting, they have already brought lively entertainment into the stress of life at Choate.

According to Schirnding-Yach, magic is all about “making people see something that they thought wasn’t possible.” It breaks down preconceived notions of what should be and brings people together. And, he added, magic “is a great ice-breaker.” By providing a chance to get to know a complete stranger in a way that you normally would not, magic tricks create opportunities to bond with people you might not otherwise interact with. Magic sends you to a different world where the impossible is the only thing you can count on.

Most magicians never reveal their secrets, but Choate’s new favorite magicians are willing to share theirs if it means that people will come together to learn a new way to communicate and bond over tricks, cards, and coins. Zhou and Schirnding-Yach emphasized that anyone can join their club, as long as the student brings enthusiasm and a willingness to have their minds blown.

Magic Club is a great opportunity for the students to step out of their comfort zones, try something new, and learn some fun tricks along the way. Perhaps a student will develop a new passion and become the next big name in the world of magic –– all because of Zhou and Schirnding-Yach. Join the Magic Club at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights to take part in the fun and uncover the mystery of magic.

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