What Are Your Tips for Staying Warm?

As we pass the halfway point in winter term — and the school year — it becomes difficult to stay motivated with long periods of gloomy weather. This year’s winter term contained one day with below-zero temperatures and high winds, followed by a day with a high in the 50s. Aside from these occasional odd fluctuations in temperature, the winter term has maintained its chilled weather, forcing students to layer up with jackets and boots and toss aside their shorts and flip-flops. What are some of the most popular ways to keep warm during these frigid winter months? The student body revealed their tips for dealing with the cold:

Serena Sandweiss ’20:

“Well, the heat in my room often does not work, so my solutions are to dress really warmly and to drink a lot of warm tea. I have a bunch of really comfy socks and a lot of sweaters, because I like to be comfortable, and I just like to sit on my bed in a blanket and try to stay warm. Honestly, I think that I do enjoy the cold. It’s very refreshing to be outside, and it kinda clears your head when you’re walking around, but it can be really annoying sometimes when your hair freezes. Well, I think when it’s cold out, I try to stay inside as much as I can, but I also like to get out to appreciate the pretty snow and atmosphere. But I try to walk as little as possible.”

Brooke Popadich ’20:

“[I have been handling the cold weather recently] not well, bro, not well. I think, being from Michigan, I’m, like, pretty used to the cold, but after a while, I think it gets a little bit sad just not being able to be outside comfortably. [When the weather drops so low, I start] wearing a lot more clothing [and] staying inside as much as possible.”

Jonathan Gonzalez ’20:

“I mean the perfect thing is that I live at the KEC, so I don’t really have to go face the really bad weather. We always have shuttles and, of course, it may be bad, but I don’t feel it. Yes, I do [enjoy the cold]. But there are sometimes where my lips become really dry, so I don’t like that at all. I wear a lot of clothes . I think drinking a lot of warm things like milk helps warm milk.”

Bradley Wang ’21:

“I don’t wear shorts anymore. Especially being from California, I welcome [the cold] very much. I demand to have my roommate turn the heater on more. He doesn’t like the heater on, but I fight him for it.”

Samantha Scott ’20:

“I have gotten sick and [am] at my house right now. I love the cold. I am only sick because the Choate illness is going around. I am definitely more of a cold weather gal. I can’t handle hot weather. I love keeping my room cold and sleeping under lots and lots of blankets.”

Heather Shao ’19:

“I’ve been wearing Heattech clothing under my sweaters and pants these days. They really create an extra layer of insulation! Scarves also became a handy accessory to keep my neck and my face warm. Having a lot of hot drinks, such as tea, is helping me get warm after being outside for a while. I’m alright with the cold. I love how beautiful nature is sometimes in the cold, especially the icicles and the snow. Moreover, I love being cozy in my dorm — go KEC! But I don’t really like feeling uncomfortable being outside. [When it gets cold], I also find myself being lazier than usual because I don’t want to be outside!”

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