Local Women Rejuvenate Wallingford

Female students over the age of 18 hoping to work on their community service hours can find an excellent opportunity right here in Wallingford. Wallingford Community Women (WCW) is a non-profit organization founded in 1954 for the advancement and promotion of education, public health and welfare, social and civic interests, and the arts in the local community. During meetings at the Wallingford Parks and Recreation building, members get to know new people, establish meaningful friendships, and explore opportunities for leadership and personal growth through community service. In the last few months, the group has raised over $2,700 for the Connecticut Food Bank, hosted plant and paint night workshops, and organized Christmas caroling at a senior center.

The organization has over 30 members and meets monthly from September through June. “We regularly volunteer in town by preparing and serving meals at the Wallingford Emergency Shelter and volunteering at the local CT Food Bank,” explained Cindy Parent, the President of WCW. “We help out at the Holiday for Giving and provide holiday gifts to families in need at Christmas. Master’s Manna, local senior citizens, and disabled veterans also benefit from some of the programs we work on.” Members have access to a wide variety of opportunities and events to help out with and can take the opportunity to direct their efforts to a cause of their choosing. For instance, the organization supports education in Wallingford by hosting an annual town-wide Spelling Bee and participating in the Adult Spelling Bee. Members have also sent baskets of treats to local high school teachers to thank them for their hard work.

WCW holds a variety of fundraisers to support their community and their organization. For instance, the group raises money to award scholarships to graduating seniors at Lyman Hall High School and Sheehan High School, as well as a scholarship to a female graduate of the Wallingford Adult Education program. The organization also provides an annual scholarship to one of its own members who has a child in college. As an example of their fundraising efforts, the organization sells custom-made Wind & Fire Charm bracelets that can be purchased at AJ Canelli Jewelers on Center Street. The group will also be working on The Great Wallingford Dash, a scavenger hunt taking place in town on April 28th for participants over the age of 21, though they will be looking for volunteers to help out at locations around town.

The group cares very much about the art scene both in all of Wallingford and at Choate. “We recently purchased 10 guitars and cases for the members of the music club at SCOW [Spanish Community of Wallingford],” said Ms. Parent, going on to say that members of the organization “provide refreshments and usher children’s concerts for Wallingford Symphony Orchestra during their performances at Choate Rosemary Hall.”

Wallingford Community Women is dedicated to supporting arts, education, and public service initiatives, and members will be sure to make lasting impacts on the community by taking part in their events and giving back to the town that Choate calls home. If you are interested in joining the organization, contact Gina Cross at www.wallingfordcommunitywomen.org.


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