“What is something you wish people knew about you?”

Photo by Pinn Chirathivat/The Choate News

Allie Santiago ’ 19 wants her teachers and classmates to know that she works at the Durham Dari Serve.

Take 30 seconds right now to think about this question: what is one thing you wish people knew about you that they likely do not? Whether your answer is that you are more approachable than you seem or that you love to run or make music, there is an unlimited variety of replies. Last week, some members of the Choate community took a moment to share their own answers to this question.

Raine Williams ’20: “One thing I wish people knew about me is that I am not just a ‘day student’ – I’ve had so many experiences outside of America. For example, I’ve traveled to about ten countries in Asia, including Malaysia, Vietnam, and Korea. I lived in Shanghai for five years, and I consider it to be where I grew up because it is the place I have lived the longest. I even applied to Choate as an international student, even though I now am a day student!”

Mr. Andrew Arcand:  “I wish that people knew that I do not like loud noises or celebrations or some people all that much. I do wish that people knew I really like soap.”

Lucas Eggers ’21: “Something that I wish other people knew about me is that I dabble in writing and recording music. As for describing my process, I would say it goes like this: I put notes inside the computer. Many hours of work produces more notes. At last! Beep boop, beep boop, it happens. I smile. My work is finally complete.”

Mrs. Julie Oxborough: “One thing about me that has confused many people is that I love to run — I really like to move fast. Maybe it started with racing with the neighborhood kids or having the honor of being ‘fastest girl’ in elementary school, but if I see an open space, I want to run! It does not mean I am late! Believe it or not, I was criticized by one superior who said it looks unprofessional, but do I tell them that walking looks a bit stodgy?”

Siri Palreddy ’20: “One thing I would like people to know about me is that I am the first woman in my family to go to school in America. I was the first person to be born here, and seeing other first-generations at Choate makes me proud of this aspect of my identity.”

Aidan Concepcion ’21: “Something that I wish other people knew about me is that I really like to sing. I have been singing since I was about ten or eleven, and though I am not really a fan of the radio, I love music. Come watch the chorus perform!”

Sophie Ray ’20: “I wish that people knew that I am an approachable person. I love being friends with and meeting new people. I feel that students do not approach me or do not really feel like getting to know me because I am new, and they have known me for a smaller amount of time than they have most of their classmates.”

Allie Santiago ’19: “One thing that people do not know about me is that I love working at the Durham Dari Serve. Every weekend I probably eat about seven cups of different kinds of ice cream because it is free, so why would I not?”

Jessie Yau ’20: “Something that I wish other people knew about me is that my brother, when he was two, named me after Jessie from Toy Story. I think that is one of the coolest things about me.”

If you stumble upon something about yourself that you wish other people knew, join these Choate members by going out and sharing it! In a community so large, for every person who wants to share, there is someone else who wants to listen. Consider this your official invitation.




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