Anthony Grasso: The Man Behind the Cage

Photo Courtesy of Choate Rosemary Hall

Photo Courtesy of Choate Rosemary Hall

Mr. Anthony Grasso has held many positions at Choate in the past, and he recently became the new head of Choate’s equipment room. Mr. Grasso, whose duties include care of sports equipment, coordination with various coaches, and management of the athletic building, was appointed to his current job just a few weeks ago. He sat down with Adrian Whatmore ’19 for his first-ever interview with The Choate News, to share some information about himself and what it is like working in the hub of the Worthington Johnson Athletic Center.

AW: Where did your interest in athletics come from?

AG: When I was younger, I played baseball and basketball. I got into strength and conditioning when I was older. The late Mr. Jim Paradise, the former Head of the Equipment Room, was a big help in getting me interested in strength and conditioning.

AW: Do you have any fun facts about yourself?

AG: I’m a big Taylor Swift fan. I like all of her music: her country music and her pop music. I really respect the fact that she has written a lot of her own songs.

AW: What made you originally come to Choate?

AG: My brother was a student here, and Mr. Doug James, the baseball coach, brought me in to help coach. Now, I’ve been at Choate for around four years, and I live here in Wallingford.

AW: What has been your favorite position at Choate so far?

AG: I think my favorite position is the one I have now as Head of the Cage. I have also really enjoyed instructing Strength and Conditioning, coaching baseball, and being a head of both Tenney House and East Cottage during the summer.

AW: What are your favorite parts about working in the Cage?

AG: I really like the business aspect of working here, communicating with coaches, and being in charge of the athletic building. I’m sort of a control freak, and this job enables me to be in control.

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