Other News

Identity Politics is Real Politics

Identity Politics is Real Politics

March 26, 2016 at 8:03 pm Comments are Disabled

I know there is someone out there, reading the headline above and sighing, “Why, Esul, why? Gender, race, political correctness–come on. Can you please talk about the Iran Deal or the Pope or the Syrian refugee crisis? Something that doesn’t concern identity politics. Please, Esul, I beg you. Talk about realRead More

Letter to the Editor

March 26, 2016 at 8:01 pm Comments are Disabled

To the Editor, I read with great interest the Editor’s Note in your September 25 issue, in which you advised the community that its newspaper would now be called The Choate News. This is an unfortunate decision which does very little to acknowledge the students who joined our community inRead More

Choate Debate Team Wins Awards at Roxbury Latin Tournament

Choate Debate Team Wins Awards at Roxbury Latin Tournament

March 26, 2016 at 8:00 pm Comments are Disabled

At 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 20, while most Choate students were in their beds sleeping, a team of twelve debaters headed off to The Roxbury Latin School and brought back several awards, including first place advanced team by the dynamic duo of Ethan Della Rocca ’16 and Leland BenRead More

Student Council Establishes Committees to Improve Student Life

March 26, 2016 at 7:56 pm Comments are Disabled

This fall, the Student Council introduced a new aspect of its organization: the establishment of sub-committees. In previous years, the Student Council worked as a single unit. Recently however, members of the Student Council have decided to create four focused sub-committees in order to function more efficiently. These subcommittees areRead More

Giving Through the Ages: a History of Community Service Day

Giving Through the Ages: a History of Community Service Day

March 26, 2016 at 7:54 pm Comments are Disabled

On Thursday, October 1, Choate students, staff, and faculty gathered in the Paul Mellon Arts Center (PMAC) for a special program in preparation for Choate’s annual Community Service Day. This special program included an introduction to William and Jennifer McNally, the founders of Harvest Pack; a preview of the movieRead More

Boar Pen Returns

Boar Pen Returns

March 26, 2016 at 7:52 pm Comments are Disabled

What many students have taken to calling “the resurging Boar Pen” has lately been sweeping Choate’s home athletic contests. Boar Pen has traditionally been a senior-led group aiming to increase school spirit. This year’s Boar Pen, however, seems to be different. The group has already started to make its presenceRead More

Community Weekend Unites Campus and Town

March 26, 2016 at 7:43 pm Comments are Disabled

Last year marked the debut of Wallingford’s Community Weekend, which celebrated the unity of the community and the 125th anniversary of Choate Rosemary Hall. Service Day took place that weekend, as well as several sports events that embody the spirit and enthusiasm of Choate. “I loved Community Weekend last yearRead More

Third Annual Service Day Inspires Students and Faculty

Third Annual Service Day Inspires Students and Faculty

March 26, 2016 at 7:41 pm Comments are Disabled

Now in its third year, Choate’s annual Community Service Day has had its most prolific operation yet, with students and faculty packing over 20,000 more meals that what the school had expected. Choate students and faculty packed 170,424 meals on Friday, October 2. This year, Choate again partnered with HarvestRead More

Volleyball Sweeps Double Header, Advances to 3-0 Record

Volleyball Sweeps Double Header, Advances to 3-0 Record

March 26, 2016 at 7:39 pm Comments are Disabled

Girls’ Varsity Volleyball is off to a great start so far this season. With two consecutive New England champion titles in 2012 and 2013 and a 15-1 record in 2014, the team has set a demanding precedent. However, with the hard work and lead of respected Coach David Loeb, thisRead More