Wallingford Residents Jam Out at Porchfest

Photo courtesy of Mr. Mark Vogt
A local band performs at Wallingford Porchfest.

By Reid Bock ’27, Reporter

Free concerts on Wallingford porches: this is not a drill! On September 14, Wallingford held its fourth annual Porchfest, a day filled with live music right from the porches of local homes. With musical performances by people ranging from the mayor, to student bands, to a mariachi group, attendees came from all over town to enjoy the live music.

This year’s Porchfest featured an eclectic mix of genres, including rock, jazz, funk, blues, and more. Many local musicians and bands performed, including Remove Before Flight, Vinnie Testa, Joe Town, and guests Youth Mariachi, Bethany Brothers, Ukes of Hazard, and Bear Mountain Rock House School. The event’s lead organizer, Mr. Mark Vogt, said, “A lot of people came out. We probably had a couple hundred people, so it was pretty successful in that regard.” To get the word out, Mr. Vogt and other community members put up posters and lawn signs promoting the event around Wallingford.

The idea for Porchfest originally came from Mr. Vogt’s friend, musician Mr. Brandon Kaswer, who was inspired by porchfests in his hometown of Sommerville, Massachusetts. Noticing them in other Connecticut towns like Guilford and Milford as well, Mr. Vogt decided to plan a porchfest for Wallingford. Four years later, Wallingford Porchfest has become a local favorite and was even listed as one of the top eight things to do in Connecticut on Channel 8 News.

Looking ahead, Mr. Vogt is excited about expanding the event. “I’d like to double the number of bands for next year, and not [be] centralized to the downtown area, expanding it into some of the other neighborhoods,” Mr. Vogt said. He also hopes to increase marketing for the event. “Maybe next year we’ll get a banner, telling people about it. Not everybody’s on Facebook; not everybody catches social media pitches; just expanding it to hit more households,” he said.

Mr. Vogt emphasized Porchfest’s role as an opportunity for families, friends, small businesses, and artists to come together and experience the joys of live music. “Bringing the community together and bond[ing]. That was what we were going for … music is a bonding experience,” he said.

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