How to Ace Your SpringTerm-End Experiences

Graphic by Evelyn Kim ’25/The Choate News

The dreaded term-end experiences (TEEs) grow near once again as the spring term winds down. However, there’s no need to worry! From study techniques to self-care, five Choate students share their valuable advice on navigating TEEs effectively and efficiently. Whether you’re an inexperienced third-former or a seasoned fifth-former, prepare to confidently ace those term-ends!

Small Steps, Big Results

Isabelle Jiao ’26 recommends studying at least two weekends before TEE week. This head start can allow for a more complete understanding of everything taught in class and help clarify what to focus on. 

Furthermore, according to Jiao, students should be consistent while preparing for projects and tests. It’s crucial to “review a little bit every day” and not to “cram study” the night before. This not only helps to better retain information but also reduces stress.

As Jiao begins her TEE studying, she admitted to worrying about her Calculus BC class the most. Because of this, she plans to prepare by taking small steps and studying for the final exam earlier by “reviewing notes and practicing problems to get the topics covered back into my brain.”

Plan, Relax, Consistency

Nicha Tongdee ’26 suggests creating a well-executed plan to stay on top of exams and assignments. “I like to keep a schedule for when I have all my major assessments and projects due. It helps me stay on task and feel organized, especially when I know I have specific times carved out for different things,” she said. 

Tongdee also emphasized the importance of self-care during this time, advising that students take time for themselves to avoid burnout and over-stressing. “Especially during TEEs, you have to remind yourself to take breaks and take care of yourself. TEE week is going to be stressful and hard, but you still have to prioritize yourself,” she said. “When you make sure you are okay, it helps you produce the best quality work.” 

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Leo Wei ’27 believes students must find a studying technique that works for them. For him, the Pomodoro Technique has been particularly effective. “Using this technique, you study for 25 minutes, then you do five minutes of relaxation,” he said. “It helps a lot with getting the optimal amount of work done.”

Additionally, to balance an increasing workload with everyday life, Wei suggested “not abandoning the basics,” such as getting enough sleep or eating three meals per day. He also said that it’s vital to “tell yourself everything’s gonna be okay.” He encourages fellow students to be confident, stay focused, take breaks, and prioritize self-care to successfully navigate TEE week.

Senior Secrets to Success

“Firstly, stock up on coffee,” Jacqueline Yan ’24 emphasized when asked about her advice for handling last-minute revisions or study sessions during TEE week. As the 117th Masthead’s Managing Editor, Yan knows how much caffeine can help during late-night work sessions.

She also suggested finding a “study buddy,” as studying with someone else can make the process more enjoyable. “It’s a lot less tedious if you’re studying with someone else,” Yan said. Studying with friends also provides motivation and support, especially during stressful times.

Alongside productive study sessions with friends, Yan recommended giving yourself time off and doing activities you enjoy, such as going out with friends or watching an episode of your favorite show. 

Yan advised prioritizing based on difficulty level and concentrating effort on subjects that require more attention. “If you have a paper or project, you can always finish those ahead of time,” she said, “so during the week [of TEEs], I’ll just be studying for the tests.” 

End Game

“Sometimes, you gotta put in a little bit of work and stay up a little later than you usually do to finish that project,” Nevaeh’J Becerra ’25 said. However, maintaining a positive outlook is essential to managing stress during TEEs. “Make sure to know that this is the end,” she said. “It’s only two hours, and after the suffering, it’s just peace.” For Becerra, knowing that spring TEEs are the final stretch before summer break and the relaxation that comes with it helps put things in perspective. 

As you prepare to conquer TEE week, remember these pearls of wisdom. After these exams, summer break is just around the corner —  it’s one final push; you’ve got this!

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