Founded in 1907, The Choate News covers the events of, and relevant to, Choate Rosemary Hall, and offers a forum for opinions of significant interest to the School community as the official student newspaper. Our readership extends beyond the student body, faculty, and staff to include alumni, parents, and others not regularly on campus.
Reporters, editors, graphic designers, photographers, and other members of the newspaper’s staff strive to ensure that the paper’s content is accurate and fair, and that it reflects the values of the community at large. A significant element of the News‘s mission is to introduce students to journalism.
To submit a letter to the editor or an opinion piece, please email us at thechoatenews@choate.edu.
Opinion pieces represent the opinions of their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or the School. Unsigned masthead editorials represent the view of the majority of the members of the editorial board of The Choate News.