Post Tagged with: "new haven"

30 Dollar Day: New Haven on a Budget

October 7, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

You’re broke, you’re bored, and you’re dying to get off campus. You think to yourself, “What could possibly make my uneventful weekend stimulating enough for an appealing Instagram post?” Dear readers, fear not. A four-hour trip to New Haven may not be the first item on your list of choices,Read More

IRIS records which refugees have found jobs, in an effort to ensure they have stable sources of income.

Syrian Refugees Find Home in New Haven

May 27, 2016 at 6:00 am Comments are Disabled

They hesitantly moved towards the three open chairs in front of us and sat down, appearing to be, for a brief moment, a little apprehensive about the situation. That initial discomfort, however, quickly disappeared as we became acquainted. They introduced themselves as Sami, Bassam, and Nezar, Syrian refugees who arrivedRead More