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The Tale of Two Curtises

A Rivalry Built Upon Friendship

by Christine Mason ’19Features Published on November 9, 2017

As we approach Deerfield Day — or Choate Day, as our friends in the Emerald City call it — sports teams are getting ready to compete at Deerfield while spectators are preparing to board the rooter buses to cheer on the teams. Students at Choate and Deerfield alike look forward to the tradition every year, and the two Heads of School, Choate’s Dr. Alex Curtis and Deerfield’s Dr. Margarita Curtis, are no exception. Dr. Margarita Curtis explained, “I think a friendly rivalry is part of a healthy prep school experience — in the same way that bacon is part of a healthy breakfast.”

Dr. Alex Curtis said it is exciting to “do it in the right spirit.” Additionally, both Drs. Curtis expressed amazement for when they see their students cheering on their classmates. Dr. Margarita Curtis said, “I hope that you’ll remember how it felt to stand together, how it felt to play together, how it felt to cheer together — regardless of the outcome — because I think it feels victorious.”

Dr. Alex Curtis recalled there being a time when more Choate students were on the stands at Deerfield than Deerfield students, and he hopes this can happen again to show great Choate spirit.

In terms of their interactions during Deerfield Day, the heads are very good friends. Dr. Alex Curtis explained the irony of how they want to spend the day catching up with each other, but then they remember that they are supposed to be rivals. Similarly, Dr. Margarita Curtis said, “Regardless of the rivalry between our schools, we both agree that ‘Dr. Curtis is the best.’”

Although there have been a few problems in the past, both schools give their students guidance in terms of their behaviour and sportsmanship. Dr. Margarita Curtis explained, “Deerfield’s longstanding headmaster Mr. Boyden used to tell the students, ‘let’s keep it on a high level’ — and that guidance is as good today as it was a century ago.” The spirit of Deerfield Day is founded on a long yet friendly rivalry between Choate and Deerfield. Dr. Alex Curtis expressed the importance of keeping this great spirit, showing the “mutual respect and love of our school” while numerous faculty members work hard to ensure the students’ safety and the competitions’ fluidity.

As hard-working athletes prepare for a competition against Choate’s greatest rival, students are reminded to uphold the tradition by cheering on their classmates at Deerfield. Dr. Alex Curtis said, “I hope we take more people than ever this weekend!”